Monday, February 10, 2014

Lesson 2 Reflection

  1. One thing that went well for me during my presentation was the fact that even after the computer wouldn't run my presentation correctly, I had a classmate manually scroll through the slides and I was able to present despite this technical difficulty. 
  2. I would give myself a P because I believe that I did hit all the major points on the contract and I did so well. Although I may have stumbled on my words a bit (presentation anxiety), I feel that I was able to get all my info across.
  3. The one thing about my presentation that I was pretty proud of was my activity. My goal for my activity was to make it interactive, fun, and attention grabbing while at the same time have it convey my message effectively. I was pleased by my peers' reactions, which let me know that I'd chosen a successful activity. 
  4. If I had a time machine, I'd go back and practice presenting a few more times. Although when I practiced I was at 12 minutes, when I presented, I was struggling to make time. When I present, I tend to rush because I'm nervous, so that's what I need to work on for next time. 
  5. I believe that my answer two will be something along the lines of "By having a very stringent and thorough employee selection process."

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